A Good Website

It is always exciting surfing through websites that are organized well and filled with updated content.
In this post, I will impart to you the knowledge I have acquired of what makes a good website... but with a fashion twist.

Let's look at Zara.com

I enjoy navigating through Zara's website because it's easy and it has what I am looking for in terms of an online shopping site. 

David Meerman Scott's book, The New Rules of Marketing & PR, helped me clearly understand as to why I enjoyed visiting Zara.com

Here is an outline of what makes a good website (in no order), with the help of Scott's The New Rules of Marketing & PR and Zara's website:

1. DESIGN - Zara's website is organized in a way that capture's the visitor's attention. Large pictures and easy to see buttons: "GO" and drop down menus.
2. COLOR - Colorful pictures attract the visitor's attention quite well. Since H&M is a fashion retailer, it is appropriate to fill their site with plenty of clothing pictures for their desired customers.
3. NAVIGATION - Zara does a great job of making it easy to navigate their site. The home page gives you the option to choose which country and language to use the site in. 
5. CONTENT - Zara has the most important and appropriate content needed: their products.
According to Scott, content is the most important aspect of a company's website. When you navigate through Zara, there's links to information such as: newsletter, press, and about their company. This content in a website is rich-content. Scott stresses, "No matter how you choose to deploy web content to reach your buyers, the place that brings everything together in a unified place is a content-rich website." When you bring your social media and blog links to your website, you are bringing all of your company's information into one website. Zara has an easy-to-spot and visible area at the bottom of their site dedicated to their social media links.

I hope this outline helps you implement changes to your website or acknowledge why some websites you visit are (or not) so great!



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