Thank God for Online Shopping! - (New Rules of PR)

The internet has made shopping so much easier and desirable. You can now sign up for Amazon Prime and get that off-the-shoulder sweater you’ve been eyeing on the Stuart Weitzman Instagram account, and receive it in only 2 days! You really liked that Kate Spade bag your friend was wearing the other day? Well, you can easily google search it and find it on Kate Spade’s online store. No more hunting it down at the store like the olden times.

The way clothing brands have been able to reach their target audience has changed drastically over the years. 
The old rules of public relations have been thrown out the window and the new rules of public relations are here to stay. For a long time.
Years ago, when the Internet wasn’t as accessible and as developed, clothing brands had to reach their audience by buying expensive advertising and getting third-party ink from the media. When a brand wanted to get their name out, they had to use expensive advertising on television, on a bus, and/or on magazines/newspapers. Another “old” way was going to the media and sharing your brand and hopefully they’d portray your company positively. Now, brands can go straight to the Internet which is more accessible and cheaper. Brands can control their own advertising by using social media, such as: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The "old" public relations rules were PUSH media, where brands put out their brand hoping customers would notice. Now, the "new" rule of public relations is PULL media, where brands can easily be found through a Google search and with the Search Engine Optimization.

I don't know about you, but I'm thankful for the Internet, therefore, the new rules of public relations.
Happy shopping!



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